Dancing fulfills my needs for social interaction, mental concentration, physical exertion, and general well-being; all extremely important to me. It has definitely helped me get through some rough times in my life, especially with my health. After I go to a Dance class, Social dancing, or with my Private partner, I always feel like the endorphins in my brain are just making me feel so good!
As an adult, I have found that taking dance lessons from qualified dance professionals and having a good dance partner is extremely fulfilling and very important to me. It fills a void… there is no substitute for it. I believe I read somewhere that dancing with a stranger, such as in a group-class, creates extraordinarily healthy and positive feelings in the brain, like none other they have recorded in neuroscience.
So my advice is to get out there and just do it. It doesn't matter where you start, at the beginning, the middle or as an experienced dancer, there are all sorts of people at every age and level willing to get this "fantastic feeling you get only from dancing". It's just so therapeutic. Don't worry about not knowing the steps or screwing up, there's always someone willing to step in and help their fellow friend practice a couple of steps, and it's so much fun to help someone. Even those with physical and mental disabilities can get extreme benefits from dancing.
It's just the best!